Waypoints within 5km radius of: Lignon Hill
Airports Legazpi Airport (1.0km)
 Cities Legazpi City (2.6km)
Schools Aquinas University, Legazpi (2.4km)
 Divine Word College of Legazpi (2.6km)
 Old Churches Daraga Church (2.2km)
Albay Cathedral (2.5km)
Legazpi Church (3.0km)
 Cagsawa Ruins (3.0km)
Parks Zoos Gardens Albay Parks and Wildlife (0.5km)
 Towns Daraga (2.3km)
 Note: Distances shown above are radial (straight-line, not road distance) from Lignon Hill
| Google Maps mashup with openstreetmap.org map tiles:
Home-brewed map:
Click on a waypoint on the map to center map on that waypoint.
Hover mouse over waypoint to display full name on pop-up.
Waypoints shown in gray are map-calculated (not GPS readings)Above map uses the following synthesized track segments:
Track Segment |
Track Dist(km) |
Contributor |
Legazpi Church --> Daraga |
5.45 |
madzie_ph |
Daraga --> Putiao Junction |
16.92 |
-do- |
Daraga --> Tabaco Church |
29.25 |
GBLontok |
To download the above 11 waypoints and 3 track segments to a single GPX file: