Waypoints within 5km radius of: Baguio Cathedral
Airports Loakan Airport - Baguio (4.3km)
 Artist's Workshops Tam-awan Village (3.1km)
Narda Capuyan (3.8km)
 Barangays Scout Barrio (2.0km)

CCF - Baguio (1.1km)
 Churches Pink Sisters (0.6km)
 CICM Home Sweet Home (0.9km)
 Cities Baguio City (0.8km)
Good Eats Omaikhan (0.7km)
 Slaughterhouse Restos (1.1km)
 Saluds (1.8km)
 Batirol (2.1km)
 Tabligans (2.3km)
 Schools U.P. Baguio (0.8km)
 Benguet State University (4.4km)
 Trade Hubs Baguio Vegetable Vendors (4.1km)
 Institutions Teachers Camp Baguio (1.1km)
 Mansion House (2.4km)
 Texas Instruments (4.4km)
 Baguio Export Process Zone (4.5km)
 Landmarks Baguio BGH Rotonda (1.1km)
 Pacdal Circle (1.9km)
 Autogas/LPG Refill Stations Clean Fuel Baguio (1.4km)
 Points of Interest Session Road (0.2km)
Baguio Public Market (0.4km)
Baguio City Market (0.5km)
 Maryknoll Ecological Sanctuary (1.6km)
 Easter Weaving School (1.7km)
 Chinese Bell Church (2.1km)
 Mansion House (2.4km)
 Good Shepherd Convent (3.2km)
 Baguio Dairy Farm (4.0km)
 Kennon Road View (4.2km)
Parks Zoos Gardens Burnham Park (0.5km)
 Botanical Garden (1.7km)
 Wright Park (2.2km)
 Resorts Summer Place Hotel (2.0km)
 Roadside POIs Baguio Vegetable Vendors (4.1km)
 Scenic Views Mines View Park (3.2km)
 Kennon Road View (4.2km)
Towns / Cities Beckel (4.5km)
 Note: Distances shown above are radial (straight-line, not road distance) from Baguio Cathedral
| Google Maps mashup with openstreetmap.org map tiles:
Home-brewed map:
Click on a waypoint on the map to center map on that waypoint.
Hover mouse over waypoint to display full name on pop-up.
Waypoints shown in gray are map-calculated (not GPS readings)Above map uses the following synthesized track segments:
Track Segment |
Track Dist(km) |
Contributor |
Pugo Crossing --> Baguio BGH Rotonda |
29.98 |
EPPGarcia |
Beckel --> Binga Dam |
16.41 |
paulperez |
Pacdal Circle --> Beckel |
3.83 |
-do- |
Kenon Road junction --> Baguio BGH Rotonda |
33.60 |
-do- |
Tam-awan Village --> |
5.97 |
-do- |
Baguio City --> Asin Hot Springs |
14.22 |
-do- |
Pacdal Circle --> Ucab |
8.24 |
-do- |
Baguio BGH Rotonda --> Baguio City |
1.42 |
EPPGarcia |
To download the above 39 waypoints and 8 track segments to a single GPX file: